20 Minute Interval Cardio Workout by Zuzana from Bodyrock.tv

This is a 20 minute high intensity cardio workout based on Tabata workout by Zuzana from Bodyrock.tv.
Background on Tabata Method
The tabata method is a high intensity regimen based on 1996 study. The study uses an alternative low (for 10 secs) and ultra high intensity workouts (for 20 secs) by which is continued for 4 minutes. This method burns fat more fast than traditional method. A 2.5 hours of sprint interval training produced similar biochemical muscle changes to 10.5 hours of endurance training and similar endurance performance benefits.

Lying Trunk Rotation video demo

Video Demonstration on how to do Lying Trunk Rotation video demo. Muscles worked -Deep spinal and trunk muscles.

This is an important exercise but can become high risk if done incorrectly.
• Keep the chest lifted and always maintain a good spinal alignment with a very slight arch in the lower back.
• More range of motion is not necessarily better, especially in this exercise.

• Move only as far as your muscles can take you. Try to eliminate uncontrolled momentum.

Ab Torture Workout by Zuzana

This series of workout videos for getting strong core and six pack abs. This series has 5 parts. We has posted all vidoes here with links to original source. She covers almost all of the ab exercises needed fro getting 6 pack abs. Enjoy!!

PowerBlock Dumbbells

These are the best dumbells out there. They require less space / comfortable to move and take in your bag. But they are expensive though. Have you ever seen one of these powerblock dumbbells on ebay auction? You cant spot them!!!. So much popular they are and so useful and no one wants to sell them. You can vary the weight of the dumbbells. (more…)

Cable Kneeling Crunch Video Demo

Cable Kneeling Crunch is an exercise for strengthening your abs. This is a variation of regular crunches. You need high pulley or lat pulldown machine to perform this exercise. Primary muscles affected are Rectus Abdominus, Internal and External Obliques and Transverse Abdominus . Secondary muscles affected are hip flexors
To do this exercise

  • Kneel below high pulley.
  • Grasp cable rope attachment with both hands.
  • Place wrists against head.
  • Flex hips allowing resistance on cable pulley to lift torso upward so spine is hyperextended perform a crunching motion using abs.

You should do this exercise slowly. Donot use momentum to pull. Also adjust the weight according to your capacity. Try to bend at the abdomen not at the hips.

Twisting Crunch Video Demo

This is a variation of crunch exercise. This exercise is to strengthen your obliques. Secondary muscles that are strengthened are rectus abdominus / abs.
Lie supine on floor or bench with knees and hips bent. Hold plate behind neck or on chest with both hands.
How to do:
Flex and twist waist to raise upper torso off surface to one side. Return until back of shoulders return to surface. Repeat to opposite side alternating twists.
You should to push your neck. You can do this weight without any weight if you find it difficult doing with weights. Your neck muscles must not be strained when your do your exercise. This exercise is mainly targeted towards your obliques. Here are the video demonstrations on how to do this exercise. (more…)

Ab Crunches Exercise Demo

These are plain old normal crunches which you do by lying on floor. These are an effective exercise for your abs. These crunches do not effect obliques. These are effective only on ab muscles. One of the best things about this exercise there is no need of any special equipment to perform this exercise except floor with carpet.

If you do not maintain proper form you will end up injuring yourself. In this exercise your lower back must be on floor all the time. You should not push your neck / you will injure your neck. The exercise starts by curling shoulders towards pelvis. Hands are use to just support he weight of the head so that neck flexors are relaxed. If you feel pain in neck you must stop doing this exercise.

Dumbbell Lunges Exercise Demo

These are one of the best exercises for training your quads / quadriceps. The equipment need for doing them is only a set of dumbbells. Also Care should be taken that you should not bend the knees too much. This is compound exercise that targets multiple muscles / a muscle groups. The secondary muscles affected by this exercise are Gluteus Maximus, Adductor Magnus, Soleus. Also care must to taken to maintain perfect form and now swinging side ways.

Video Demo 1

Video Demo 2

Top 10 Most Effective Ab Exercise with Video Demos

This is not a list made by me or by some self proclaimed fitness expert. This is list of most effective abdominal exercises determined in a study commissioned by American Council on Exercises. They have listed each exercise with % of activity on Rectus Abdominus and Obliques.
So whats the point in this post?
We are listing them with link to video demonstrations on how to do them correctly. Hopefully you can determine which exercise is best for you based on your physique.
Most Effective on Rectus Abdominus.

1 Bicycle Maneuver 248
2 Captain’s Chair 212
3 Exercise Ball 139
4 Vertical Leg Crunch 129
5 Torso Track 127
6 Long Arm Crunch 119
7 Reverse Crunch 109
8 Crunch with Heel Push 107
9 Ab Roller 105
10 Hover 100
11 Traditional Crunch 100
12 Exercise Tubing Pull 92
13 Ab Rocker 21

These are the most functional exercises on OBLIQUES

1 Captain’s Chair 310
2 Bicycle Maneuver 290
3 Reverse Crunch 240
4 Hover 230
5 Vertical Leg Crunch 216
6 Exercise Ball 147
7 Torso Track 145
8 Crunch with Heel Push 126
9 Long Arm Crunch 118
10 Ab Roller 101
11 Traditional Crunch 100
12 Exercise Tubing Pull 77
13 Ab Rocker 74

Some video demonstrations are missing and we will be adding them soon.
As you can see the Captain’s Chair and Ab Bicycle maneuver are most helpful in strengthening both Rectus abdominus and obliques. Therefore these two are recommended and mostly ab bicycle maneuver doesnot require any special equipment except doormat..

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Ab Rocker Demo

Ab Rocker is the ninth most effective ab exercise according to ACH study. You need ab rocker machine to do this exercise. So you need to buy one.
More info @
please suggest video for this exercise in the comments

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Long Arm Crunch Demo

Long Arm Crunch is the 6th most effective ab exercises in the ACE study. Here are some videos that show hot to do Long Arm Crunch Ab Exercise. The main muscle group targeted in this exercise are rectus abdominals. This exercise emphasizes on upper part of the abs

video 2Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Torso Track Ab Exercise Demo

Torso Track ab exercise is the fifth most effective exercise out of 10 in a study conducted by American Health Council. This exercise must be performed carefully or it can hurt your back. Also you need the torso track machine as shown in figure to perform this exercise. Torso Track Machine
These are the videos that demonstrate how to do torso track exercise from youtube.

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Vertical Leg Crunch Demo

This is the fourth most effective ab exercise according to American Council on Exercise’s study to determine the most effective ab exercises. The following videos demonstrate how to do this exercise.

you can go here for more info on how to do this exercise

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Ab Scissors Exercise Demo

Ab Scissors Exercise is one of those essential exercises to have firm abs.

Video Demos on How to do Ab Scissors Exercise

Even though there are lot of machines which says that they replicate the functionality of this ab exercise i think its better to do without any aid as for performing this exercise you donot need any costly machine (frankly why wasting money for a single exercise?)
Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Barbell Dead Lifts

Barbell Dead lifts are most important to get a lean body. They improve your performance in everyday activities and sports. They work a large amount of your muscles and hence are important in getting strength and lean. This exercise is quite difficult and you should not do it if you have issues with your back.
How to do Barbell Dead Lifts

you can find more info on how to do this exercise on

Ab Wheel – How to Use Ab wheel

Ab wheel is one of the most effective exercise on abs. This exercise is for strengthening the core ab muscles. This is not for burning your fat. If you have a big stomach then you must change your nutrition habits and do cardio to loose that fat. Once you loose the fat you will start to see the abs. But you need these ab exercises to strengthen your ab muscles. These videos below demonstrate how to do ab exercises.
Video 1

Video 2

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Romanian Dead Lifts

This post is about how to do Romanian Dead Lifts. This is one of the best exercise for hamstring strengthening. These workouts act on a large muscle groups. This exercise should not be done with straight legs. When you are down your back must be parallel to ground. When you go down after lifting you must push hips back (than bending). The demonstration of this exercise is shown in below video.

Video 2

Video 3

How to do Stability Ball Abdominal Crunch

Stability Ball Abdominal Crunch exercise is one the most effective abdominal exercises. You need a stability ball to perform this exercise. This exercise strengthens your ab muscles. You must continue repetition until you get the burning sensation in your ab muscles.
Below video explains or demonstrates how to do this exercise.

video 2

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Captain’s Chair Leg Raise Exercise Video

Captain’s Chair Leg Raise abdominal exercise is one of the most effective ab exercise. It is second in line to ab bicycles.
Legs should be raised slowly and you should not use the momentum to lift legs. The following videos show how to do this exercise. There are many variation of this exercise.
Video 1

Video profile on youtube

Video 2

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.

Ab Bicycles exercise Video

Ab bicycles are one of the most effective ab exercises. In a study conducted by American Council on Exercise’s it has been determined that the ab bicycles use most of the ab muscles in the exercise. Ab exercises wont reduce fat from belly. The only way to belly reduce fat is to do cardio vascular routines like running on treadmill or exercising on Elliptical trainer. Here is the link to study on most effective ab exercises.

Here are the videos that demonstrate how to do the Bicycle Ab Exercise

Video 1
Ab Isolation Exercises : The Bicycle Ab Exercise

Video 2
Abdominal Exercises : Abdominal Exercises: Bicycle Criss Cross

Video 3
Bicycles for abs and obliques

more videos from this user

This exercise affect almost all the ab muscles.
More detailed instruction on how to do this exercise is given here

Best Six Pack Abs Training Book with lots of workout routines to get six pack abs efficiently with great meal / diet plans to cut those extra calories and get awesome six pack abs.