This is a three part post. This is the first part. We cover Seated Calf Raises, Standing calf raises, dumbbell calf raise and donkey calf raise.
Part1 | Part2 | Part3
Calf Raises is an exercises for strengthening the calf muscles in lower leg. There are many exercises and many variations of calf raise. We have list the most important ones with video demos for all of them.
1) Seated Calf Raises
You need a seated calf raises machine / set of heavy dumbbells to do this exercise.Sit on the calf raise machine with your toes on the platform then adjust the weight as desirable and raise your heels until your feel contraction in your calves. Slowly lower the ankles now until you feel stretching in your calves / repeat.
Video Demonstration on how to do Seated Calf Raises on a machine
Here is the video how to do seated calf raises using dumbbells.
2) Standing Calf Raises
You can do this exercise with a machine / without a machine. You can see these calf raise machines in your gym. Stand on the platform of the standing calf raises machine on your toes with shoulders under the shoulder pad. Adjust the weight according to your capacity. Start with your heels down raise them till your feel the contraction in calf muscle then lower the heels slowly. You should not bend your knees. this is bad form and doesnot workout your calf muscles. Also remember to point your toes forward and keep comfortable distance between your foot. Don’t lock your knees. Keep them stiff.
This is video demo showing how to do standing calf raises.
Free Standing Calf Raises / Dumbbell Calf Raise
You can do these standing calf raises without a machine. These machines are too large to fit in your room. All you need is a raised platform and set of dumbbells this is called freestanding calf raises. With dumbbells in your hands keep your toes on the platform and heel on ground. Now try to raise the heels without bending knees. and lower them after your reached your maximum limit.
Video on how to do free standing calf raises or Dumbbell Calf Raises
3)Donkey calf raises / Weighted Donkey Calf Raise
This is one of the variation of calf raises. You need a partner to help you in doing this exercise. Stand on edge of platform, toes and balls of feet on calf block with arches and heels extending off. Bend and grasp one of the knee bars. Let you partner sit on your back (like a rider). Now raise your heels by extending ankles as high as possible. Lower you heels slowly on you reached your limit. Repeat .
Video Demonstration on How to do Donkey Calf Raises
Tagged: calf exercise, Calf raises