Chest Exercises – Incline Bench Cable Flyes

Incline bench cable flys are an essential part of lifting weights and strength training. The major muscles worked in this exercise are Pectoralis Major and Minor and secondary muscles worked are triceps. You need a cable crossover machine to do this exercise. Place the recline bench in the middle of the cable crossover machine, adjust the weight according to your know capability, Keep your legs on the floor and back on the recline bench. Start initially your elbows are slightly bent and arms stretched and palms facing each other. Now pull the cable and try to bring your palms together like you are hugging something. Now lower your arms to starting position slowly. Form is a very important factor for chest exercises.

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TIRED of YOUR LOW BENCH MAX???. Increase your bench max with these workout routines & training course. Most effective directly from experts in the field of chest workout
