Dumbbell Pullover – Chest Exercises

This exercise is similar to barbell pullover exercise. You are going to use a dumbbell instead of barbell in this exercise. This exercise mainly targets mid chest. This exercise also involves lats so this is also a good back exercise.

Muscles involved

* Pectoralis Major

* Latissimus Dorsi

* Teres Major

* Posterior Deltoid

* Triceps Brachii

To do this exercise lie flat on your back on bench. Lift dumbbell holding it with both hands above your chest. Your hands must be at 90 degrees to the bench with elbows slightly bent. Lower your arms slowly behind your head till you feel stretching in your thighs. Now return to your initial position which completes one rep. Repeat this until failure , generally 10-12 reps.

Form is an important Factor for this exercise to be effective.
Video Demos on How to Do , execute or perform Barbell Pull Overs