Bent Over Two Dumbbell Row

This is a compound exercise focusing mainly on middle back along with training biceps lats and shoulders.

Equipment Needed is a set of dumbbells.

Instructions on how to do Bent Over Two Dumbbell Row

  • Bend your waist to a level where your lower back will stay straight and it should be parallel to floor. Now hold the dumbbells in your palm where your palm should be facing each other. You should feel weight of dumbbells into your forearms.
  • Breathe out while you raise the dumbbells using your arms in the direction of torso, but your lower back should stay as it is. Your elbows will be close to your body while you perform this movement. You should feel pressure at your back.
  • Now gradually go to starting position and breathe in.
  • You have to repeat these steps certain times to achieve good result.

Video Demo Showing how to do Bent Over two Dumbbell Row