Decline Barbell Bench Press

This is same as normal / flat barbell bench press except that the targeted muscles in this exercise are lower portion of the chest. To do this exercise you must have the availability of a spotter and a free standing bench & barbell. Raise the end of bench where you will be placing your thighs.

Decline Bench

To do this exercise properly

  • Lie flat on you back on the decline bench with head on the bench and thighs together firmly tucked to bench.
  • Lift the weights from the rack or let a spotter hand them over to you.
  • Lower the barbell slowly towards your chest without touching the chest
  • Now lift the barbell slowly until your arms are straight.

Repeat this until failure.

There are other variations of this exercise like incline barbell bench press and flat barbell bench press.

Video demos on how to perform decline barbell bench press correctly