V Bar Pulldowns

How to Properly Do A V bar Pulldown?

This exercise is about strengthening your back along with working Biceps, Middle Back and  Shoulders.You need a lat pull down machine and a vbar to perform this exercise.

vbar handle

To do this exercise properly

  • Sit on the lat pull down machine with the row-bar / v bar attached to the cable and weights adjusted properly according to your capacity
  • Press your thighs against the knee support/knee pads so that your body will be still while doing this exercise
  • Lean slightly back with chest sticking out and grab the vbar with palms facing each other.
  • Squeeze your shoulder blades as you pull down the vbar as if touching your chest.
  • Hold in that position for a seconds and go back to initial position in a controlled fashion.
  • Repeat until failure. Usually 8-12 reps.

If you find yourself leaning too much back then the weights are too heavy for you. Consider lowering them. Always remember to focus on your lats while doing this exercise.

Video Demo On How to do V Bar Pulldowns