Smith Machine Stiff Legged Deadlift

This exercise is for strengthening your hamstrings.  The primary muscles targeted in this exercise are hamstrings. The secondary muscles targeted are Glutes and Lower Back. You need to have access to a Smith machine to do this exercise.

Instructions to do Smith Machine Stiff Legged Dead Lift Properly

  • Raise the bar and set it in the position where it is in-line with middle of your thighs.
  • From this ideal position of bar you have to hold this bar using your palms where your palms come on bar from upside (over hand grip).
  • In starting position, in which you lift the bar, your back and torso must be straight whereas your knees should be bent slightly.
  • From this position you have to bend your back as  if you are  picking something from floor.
  • Keep going forward till you feel pressure in you hamstrings and upper body as well.
  • Go back to initial position and count as one.

Repeat until failure.

This exercise is not recommended for individuals having problems with their back. Avoid jerking motions and your back must be straight throughout the exercise.

Video Demos showing how to do this exercise properly